It is well known that winters in Los Angeles don't compare to the winters of other locales such as New York or Seattle. Out here we don't have to worry about putting on the right amount of layers to brave the cold weather that settles in below 40 something degrees. Mostly, we think about preparing ourselves for weather in the 50's and 60's bundling up lightly enough with not much more than one coat and a sweater underneath. Well, that much can be said for me. I generally can get away with wearing a dress, tights, a cardigan, and coat during the winter. The only thing I can complain about is my face being cold because of wind that may be blowing. However, the winter has come and passed quicker leaving me with little time to enjoy it. Even if I'm a southern California native, I love wearing coats. I can count about five coats in my closet, which may seem excessive. I just love the fact that an outfit can be hidden, or pleasantly decorated like a present if you want to look at it that way, by another garment. But with this week of weather settling in the 70s and 80s there isn't a chance for me wearing a coat without sweating like hell. This may be one of the last outfits with a coat in it for a while. It may be silly of me but, I just recently purchased another coat. That one will be posted tomorrow.

Shirt - Thrifted; Goodwill
Skirt - Thrifted; Goodwill
Coach bag - Vintage; American Vintage
Shoes - Thrifted; Super Thrift
Coat - Thrifted; Super Thrift
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